Customer Experience And Design Consulting Services

We help clients achieve positive business outcomes, better customer relationships, and enhance the customer experience through empathy and design.

Welcome to a new era of customer experience design.

In today’s world, customer expectations are not only increasing but becoming more unpredictable.

Innovation, disruption, and competition have given customers more control and more choice when it comes to picking how they would like to interact with you.

From greater choice to new ways of being served, customers now have a much deeper understanding of the dialogue and nature of any given relationship, and how those relationships create business success.

They expect a seamless customer experience (CX) that further enables their empowerment using the latest thinking, whether through physical interactions or on digital platforms. Brands deliver unique customer experiences that matter more than ever before, making it critical to understand and architect for the best outcomes.

To succeed — to capture demand, create white space or simply modernize how you do business – you must ensure that customers have a voice in the strategic intent and design of future business plans, models, products and services. 

Customer data and the ability to identify the story it is telling is now a critical factor in business-planning activities for the digital transformation of our client’s companies.

Traditional client-satisfaction surveys are no longer enough because they do not uncover a deep understanding of the points of friction or value. Only a more robust customer experience strategy model, embedded in the organization’s fiber, can truly capture and leverage the Voice of the Customer.

Modern customer experience design (CXD) practices use data collection and human-centered design to determine what customers’ needs are, how to execute them across channels within the digital experience, and how to continuously improve interactions that better facilitate the customer journey.

Our customer experience subject matter experts help organizations define problems, present and validate solutions to business goals, and implement design changes with a proven methodology that will drive their businesses forward and create customer loyalty.

Manoj Sahu
Vice President
Business Consulting Services National Practice Lead

Digital Solutions Across Your Value Chain

We design with intent, building systems on quality analytics that help originations mature over time through:

  • Strategy and Modernization: We define the role the digital channel plays in your customer or employee experience, and identify what’s missing or ways to create more value.
  • Customer Facing Applications: We deliver modern software with speed and efficiency, balancing form and function to enhance experiences.
  • Internal Utilities: We deploy software and applications that drive efficiencies and make the front and back office thrive.
  • Accelerators: We conduct and facilitate ways to extract ideas, turn them into hypotheses and design solutions in rapid fashion


We help our clients with:

Rapid Ideation & Concepts

Over a series of 2-3 weeks, we work together to create solutions that can be vetted with customers and tested for feasibility.

Truly using design as a problem-solving technique and getting cross-functional teams to collaborate on ideas and create testable concepts.

Interfaces & Interactions

Bring intelligence of strategy and interactions to life visibly. Creating presentation layers in multi-modal interfaces to ensure we meet the customer where they want when they want.

Focus on creating mutual benefit by listening to users and general market conditions to further innovate on how to present information to influence decisions.


Bringing static visuals to life in a clickable and interactive prototype allows for clients to experience the system without it being developed yet.

It helps with refining scope and ensuring we know what and how to build applications.

Design Systems as a Service

Create more adoptive solutions by leveraging a design system to create repeatable patterns and structures based on modern user interactions and behavioral analytics.

Increase your speed to value by creating design and UI libraries of proven components that standardize the idea of digital experiences across your development ecosystem.

Applications & Software

We craft applications using the latest in Experience Design techniques resulting in user-pleasing software.

Experiences don’t happen by accident. They are either intelligently designed or not

Want to learn more about our digital experience design services, and how our experts look holistically at customers and organizations to better deliver on expectations?
